

MX35 - 10mm travel (vacuum edition)
3 Dimensional Vacuum

MX35 - 10mm travel (vacuum edition)

  • for high vacuum conditions up to 10^(-6) mbar
  • 10 mm travel in x, y and z direction
  • 35 x 45 mm footprint


Miniature xyz positioners with piezo electrical inertial drive. Vacuum edition of the MX 35.


Technical data
Width45 mm
Height36 mm
Depth35 mm
Travel10 mm
Article NumberMX.035.1060
Mass76 g
Velocity1 mm/s
Max. Load (3 axis)
Mx, My, Mz (momentum)1.5 Ncm
Blocking forces (Fx, Fy, Fz)2 N
Guidance accuracy
Yaw angle20 arc sec
Pitch angle60 arc sec
Vertical deviation2 um
Lateral deviation2 um
* you need to install the STP Viewer to view these files